Corporate Offices Banks and other sectors

Several actions were carried out, including:

a) The development of the technical solution and product engineering, for the manufacture and installation of the false ceiling of the offices, built in wood.

b) Manufacture and installation of lattices and other registrable parts.

c) Manufacture and installation of stair treads made of oak wood. All products certified under FSC environmental regulations.


7 April, 2024


Exterior, Interior


Arquitectura interior, Carpintería a medida, Carpintería baño, Carpintería oficinas, Carpintería teatros, Carpintería vestidores, casas de madera, Celosías madera, Construcción madera, Decking WPC, Diseño en madera, fabricacion celosias, fabricacion falso techo madera, Falsos techo madera, Grapas, instalacion celosias, Instalación tarimasTarima madera interior personalizada, interiorismo, Madera ecológica certificada, madera roble, Madera tropical, mateca, Mobiliario a medida, Mobiliario urbano, oficinas BBVA, Pavimentos madera, Pérgolas jardines, Rehabilitación carpintería, solucion tecnica madera, Tarima composite, Tarima exterior, Tarima flotante, Tarima laminada, Tarima madera, Tarima tecnológica, tecnológica exterior, Terrazas WPC